About Us

Located in Alberta, Canada, CAN MUD is a specialized blending facility dedicated to manufacturing high-performance drilling fluids and lubricants that are easy and simple to use. We recognize that drilling happens in a complex and challenging environment that requires great physical and mental endurance. This understanding drives our commitment to creating products that simplify the work of those on the drilling platform, while helping them achieve superior performance. Out of deep respect for drillers and their teams, we set out to revolutionize the traditional approach to drilling fluids optimizing drilling operations like never before. CAN MUD provides a breakthrough solution that’s not only easy to use but also delivers high performance.

Our products help reduce downtime, enhance drilling speed, ensure superior lubrication and borehole stability, while extending the lifespan of all downhole tools. We’ve developed high-performance environmentally conscious vegetable oil-based lubricants, significantly lowering the environmental impact. With CAN MUD, you can achieve exceptional results while helping protect our planet’s delicate ecosystems.


We believe that keeping consistency is key to successfully complete a hole and maximize core recovery, so we developed a unique “mud system” that allow drillers to keep that needed consistency so they CAN MUD anything!


Utilizing our 4CORE drilling mud system, drilling companies can expect to significantly enhance their production while also increasing core recovery. 
This is not merely our goal but rather our promise!



Derek had been a driller for many years, working with a variety drilling fluids from different manufacturers which changed his perspective on the importance of high-performance drilling fluids and their potential to increase production. Derek decided he wanted a new challenge in his professional life and joined this premium fluid company, providing technical sales support to drillers and distributors all around the world.

Now, Derek works as an entrepreneur at DEREX INC., manufacturing high-end efficient drilling rigs. Alongside this, he co-founded CanMud to create very high-performance drilling fluids, allowing drilling companies to dramatically increase their production thereby decreasing the cost per meter.


Together, Derek and Juan-Luis have made CanMud into a global success.



Juan-Luis also has a background in the drilling fluid business, having started out as a distributor in Latin America for a well established Canadian company. Upon his move back to Canada, Juan-Luis joined Derek at this same premium fluid company to help expand its reach overseas. After a successful career, Juan-Luis decided to join one of the largest drilling contractors in the world where he learned about importance of finding ways to increase the drilled meters per shift to maximize revenue.

With this knowledge, he was inspired to help create CanMud, to develop a brand that offers a range of high-performance drilling products designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, to help drilling contractors increase their production.