What Makes Us Different

In today’s fast-paced world, consumers are always on the lookout for products that are simple, efficient, and easy to use. We can all agree that we want products and services that can make our lives easier and save us time and money.

So, the question is, why should that be any different for drillers and helpers who are already working in a complex and challenging environment that requires great physical and mental endurance to get the job done?

Drilling fluids are essential for many drilling applications, whether for their ability to stabilize a hole, help flushing cuttings to the surface, lubricate and cool down the bit, or assist in retrieving the core sample. Regardless of the intended usage, mixing drilling fluids can be a difficult and confusing task that can overwhelm drillers and helpers.

When drilling fluids become confused, they lose their ability to perform their intended functions. This can lead to borehole control issues, stuck drill string, burned drill bit, loss of circulation, and other problems that can be costly and time-consuming to resolve.

Having dealt with these challenges in the past, we decided to dedicate our products to simplifying the lives of our colleagues on the drilling platform and helping them achieve superior results.

So, What makes us so different?

We have been able to come up with a solution that transforms traditional approaches to drilling
fluids by formulating a few products that offer unique capabilities and competitive advantages
that optimize drilling operations like never before. With an unwavering focus on efficiency, our
drilling fluids minimize downtime, enhance drilling speed, vastly improve core recovery, and
ensure superior borehole stability while being very easy and simple to use.

#1 They are simple and effective: You only need 3-4 products to complete a hole, regardless of
its complexity. These high-performance products require less dosage and are very simple to

#2 They are environmentally safe: You don’t need to worry about the environmental impact
and product waste as all our lubricants are vegetable-based only, and our synthetic polymers
will not cause any harm to aquatic organisms.

#3 They will reduce your cost per meter: You will quickly realize that your overall cost has been
drastically reduced. Not only because you require fewer quantities, but because you will extend
bit life and successfully retrieve your casing from the hole once the job is completed. Also, don’t
forget about their ability to prevent premature rust and wear, specifically on drill rods, casing,
and wire-line cable. On top of that, you will save on transportation and other logistic-related

#4 They will increase your productivity: You will find yourself spending less downtime by being
stuck in the hole or replacing a damaged bit and more time filling the core box. The reduction of
torque in the hole and superior hole stabilization will help maintain the same ROP throughout
the drilling of the hole.
